Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I can't begin to understand..

I wish this was a hoax. I pray this IS a hoax; some weird, twisted joke to make some weird, non-existent point.

But it doesn't seem to be. And that scares me.. For me, because I may do the same and because I, with diabetes, may one day be in desperate need for assistance (and if a young, innocent child is unworthy, how am I?) and for others, because we just don't seem to care.

Watch the video. If it weren't for it, I may believe it to be untrue. It still may be... But to believe so is ignorant. This is the world. What is wrong with us?


Marvin the Martian said...

Yes, I saw that. It's the "Kitty Genovese Syndrome," which was discovered and named long before you were born. It arises in densely-populated urban areas, when in an effort to carve out a bubble of privacy and anonymity amid close-packed surroundings, people assume that "someone else will do something, because I don't want to get involved."

It's another example of "the banality of evil," really. Evil is allowed to exist because everyone around it is too apathetic to do anything about it.

B said...

Also consider that China doesn't have any Good Samaritan laws, so someone that does provide assistance could be (and often are) held legally and financially responsible for that person.

A couple years back Peng Yu helped an elderly woman and took her to a hospital after she fell. A court later found him responsible for part of her medical expenses.


The most chilling foreshadowing from this article, which was from 2007 is "lamenting what impact this immensely-discussed incident would have for society when future roadside or traffic injuries occur. Would you risk lending a hand?"

I suppose none of those bystanders wanted to risk lending a hand.

When performing good deeds is punished in society, it's a deterrence to public morality. It certainly makes low-income citizens hesitant to burden their (already poor) families with the expensive medical/legal charges of a stranger.