Thursday, July 16, 2009

When it rains-comparatively , it pours- comparatively

My being is more than that which you see in a day;
Oh, you fool, I like where I am.
Rough, it is, feeling alone; but alone I am to be, for now.
Ever I say to you all: leave me be, for your benefit.

Please, do not think I am conceited by this statement, but whenever one (silly) male likes me, there is always one or two others who are, at that time, each wanting to date me to some extent or the other. Other times, there is absolutely no one who wishes to date me (hence, the "when it rains, it pours"). However, I really wish no one liked me right now. I am not ready to be in a relationship, I have a lot of work to be done that I cannot do with a boyfriend.

Besides, I am tired of half-hearted connections. They lead to lies, wasted time, and ever-raw hearts. I want things slow, ever so slow, and I want someone to "wow" me with who they really are... And if you don't, well, it is best if you stay away, for I tire in due time, much to your and my anguish..

1 comment:

Marvin said...

Life is like that. ;-) Yes, unless one makes your heart sing, it's not worth your time.