Monday, November 14, 2011

World Diabetes Day

It's my first Diabetes Day being aware of my condition.

I wanted to really control my blood glucose levels today as a symbolic action, but it is impossible. Something is kinking the chain; something is amiss. This disease is not easily managed.

I won't go in to details about my feelings about diabetes- sometimes I want to or do cry, for selfish reasons, because of something having a disease has taken from me; sometimes I am glad for the challenge, and other times- such as lately- I have no preference. I don't care. I usually do well with no effort in all things- and if I am not good at them, I don't do them- but playing this role is too much. I fail.

And here's a song I love which can somewhat be tied into the concept of me being alive, though in truth I shouldn't be:

But I am grateful, though some days I can hardly see why I should be. Yet the desire for life persists. Thank you, all who brought medicine to where it is today. Thank you, God, for some reason sparing me.

1 comment:

Marvin the Martian said...

Happy WDD! If that's a legitimate greeting. ;-)

Every day you wake up is a good day. Now, what will you do with today?